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    Highland House

    Pretty Is As pretty does' and at Highland House, we believe the world could use more of it. More civility. More thoughtfulness. More authenticity. Call us old-fashioned, but we believe manners matter. We believe graciousness and gratitude are nonnegotiable, that thank you notes are a must, and that details matter because they show thoughtfulness.

    The same is true of furniture. We know that what’s on the inside matters as much as how it looks on the outside. That’s why we start with the proportions of a sketch and couple that with refined materials to make pieces of furniture that are thoughtfully scaled for today’s rooms, solidly constructed using old-fashioned techniques, and tastefully tailored. All that work would be for naught if not for the hard work and discipline to choose only authentic textiles in fashionable colors for our upholstery line.

    That’s our mission, to help keep the world a little prettier, one piece of furniture at a time.